February 12 – March 12, 2023

Work is at the very core of who we are and what we were always meant to do. It is among our first and highest callings–to bear the image of God by becoming His partners, by stewarding creation for His glory and for the good of others....

Humans were created to be God’s image bearers and partners, and then we fell under the curse of sin. But when Jesus stepped out of the grave on Easter morning, he rose victorious over sin. The curse is broken. This means new life and a new purpose for us and our work....

Jesus changes everything. That is the fundamental truth underneath the first of our seven marks of a disciple: identity in Christ. The question is, what does my identity in Christ have to do with my lived experiences with work? According to the apostle Paul, we are the workmanship of God. He is doing something in us so that He can do something thro...

Have you ever wondered: “Why on earth am I here?” or “What is my purpose in life? One of the most significant ways to ensure our lives count for something is in and through our work. Our calling in life and work is to discover how God wants to use us uniquely to serve others and make a difference in His world....

For most of us, our work feels like a child building sand castles at low tide. It won’t last. It can’t make a difference against the power of the ocean. So what’s the point?...