What’s Happening Now

Foster Closet

July 27
We invite you to pick a Saturday morning and serve at our Foster Closet. With items coming in and leaving out from the Foster Closet, there is constant sorting and organizing to be done. Come hang out with other volunteers and have the opportunity to meet families in our city that are currently fostering.


Mission Trips

Oct. – Nov.
We have two mission trips planned this fall to visit and minister with our partners around the world. We would love to have you join us for one of these trips. To receive more information, click the “Learn More” button below.


Unsheltered Meal Prep

July 27
A couple times a month, on Saturdays, our Unsheltered Ministry feeds those in our city that don’t have a home. We need volunteers to help prepare, pack, and distribute meals.


All Upcoming Events

Foster Closet

January 13

With items coming in and leaving out from the Foster Closet, there is constant sorting and organizing to be done. Come hang out with other volunteers and have the opportunity to meet families in our city that are currently fostering.