March 31 – April 21, 2024

An encounter with Jesus changes everything forever. The first encounter we will be exploring in this series is that of the first person to meet the risen Jesus, Mary, at the garden tomb. Mary was there to process her grief and despair. She was there to grieve her dashed hopes, the inevitable disappointment that settles in on us when death steals ou...

Doubt is an uncomfortable topic for most followers of Jesus. It challenges us to reflect on those nagging questions we have no answer to. If the resurrection changes everything, it means that Jesus doesn’t just want to show up in our moments of strength and faith. He also shows up amid our uncertainties, hurts, and doubts....

Peter was committed to following Jesus to the very end, no matter what. And then…he wasn’t. On the night that Jesus was arrested and subjected to an illegal trial, Peter denied that he knew Jesus three times. Peter was not the courageous leader of the disciples he thought himself to be. Undoubtedly, Peter became overwhelmed by guilt and the ine...

Fear is universal, manifesting differently in each individual, but pervasive nonetheless in our anxious society. From the fear of wars and terrorism to economic instability and personal uncertainties, it touches every aspect of life, including dreams, relationships, and mortality. Yet, amidst this fear, the message of Jesus to his disciples offers ...