What is Seven Marks?
Watch this video from our Lead Pastor, Paul Crouthamel, to hear all about Seven Marks Church.
At the end of 2016 and into the beginning of 2017, some of our staff were part of a learning cohort with several other churches from around the country. The task that was given was for them to wrestle through what the Scriptures taught concerning the radical minimums for a follower of Jesus. In other words, of all the characteristics of a follower of Jesus, which ones would be considered fundamental? Which ones should characterize all followers of Jesus? After weeks of back and forth conversations and months of rewrites, they settled on seven. There are undoubtedly more characteristics of followers of Jesus, and one may even debate the seven selected. However, we have chosen to focus our attention on these, knowing that if we got these right it couldn’t help but make a difference in everyone who called Seven Marks home. Beyond that, we pray that Seven Marks will be a place that not only impacts individuals and families, but also our city and our world. Here are the seven:
Our values keep us oriented toward our “true north.” They are the heart behind everything that happens at Seven Marks.
Of first importance, we believe that Jesus came to this world,
died on a cross to pay for our sins, and rose again three days later
so that we can have new life in Him.
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After learning all about Seven Marks, we know that you may have questions or be ready to connect and engage with our church family. If so, please reach out by phone or email, and we’d love to help you do that.
(919) 275-0202