Bible Reading
Most followers of Jesus know that reading the Bible is supposed to be an important part of their spiritual formation. And yet, despite having access to more and better translations of the Bible and resources on the Bible than any group of humans who have ever lived, biblical literacy and engagement are abysmally low. This unfortunate reality is antithetical to the way of Jesus, considering that Jesus was a passionate reader of the Bible. The Scriptures saturated his thinking and imagination, they informed His whole life and mission. What did He know that we don’t? What did He see that we miss? And how might our lives change when we treat the Bible like Jesus did?
The B-I-B-L-E
Each week of our teaching series has an accompanying community group guide that we created to help our church family digest, discuss, and practice these teachings together.
Bible Reading Resources
Here are some of our favorite books/resources on bible reading. We pray that these resources will help you to become a better practitioner in the way of Jesus.
Read the Bible for a Change
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
How Not to Read the Bible
Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew About the Bible
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
Scripture and the Authority of God