May 14 – June 11, 2023

We live in a ‘now’ culture, which means we struggle with the words ‘not yet.’ But, as we will discover in the weeks ahead, ‘now’ and ‘not yet’ are not competing opposites. They are truths in tension. Followers of Jesus are, in fact, the people of the now and the not yet....

In the biblical sense, the word holy means ‘set apart for a purpose,’ ‘unique,’ or ‘divine.’ God, of course, is holy. And because God is holy, those who belong to him are called to pursue holiness as a lifestyle. After all, if there is nothing different about us, then by implication, there must not be anything different about Jesus....

From your school to your job, from your HOA to the federal government, our world is full of people with different levels of authority over your life. If you are a follower of Christ, how should you respond to the various authorities in your life in light of your identity in Christ, especially those you disagree with?...

One of the interesting things about living in the now and not yet is that our lives often look, at least at a surface level, very similar to that of the people all around us who don’t follow Jesus. A perfect example of this is our relationships with one another, such as marriage. For Peter, the marriage relationship becomes a way to out-narrate t...

We live in the now and not yet, which means we are not immune from the problems of the old world. But we know that one day, the not yet will overwhelm the now and flood the earth with God’s love, justice, and goodness. In other words, our confidence in God’s ultimate future should give us the resources we need to respond differently to problems...