December 3 – December 24, 2023

Advent means ‘arrival or coming,’ and it is the season leading up to Christmas that encompasses the four Sundays before Christmas day. This advent season, we first want to invite you to dwell on the hope we have in Him and allow that hope to move you to holiness and devotion to Him....

Jesus was born during the time of the Roman occupation in Israel. So, it wasn’t a time of celebration, gladness, and joy. It was a time of oppression, sadness, cruelty, and grave violence. When the angels showed up to the shepherds and proclaimed, “We bring you good news of great joy…” there was a stark contrast between the message they del...

Peace isn't a feeling you can conjure up on your own or buy in a store. You can try, but what will you find? Flawed solutions. And why is that? True peace isn't something that can be found in any other place, thing, or person other than Jesus....

It had been 400 years since the Israelites had heard from any prophet concerning this Messiah. And then, Christmas came. God Himself became a man. He traded the throne of Heaven for a lowly throne in a manger. Love entered the world in a way that hadn’t happened since the beginning of creation. At that moment, everything changed....