June 16 – August 18, 2024

The Psalms, a collection of 150 poems and songs, serve as a spiritual "playlist" guiding the Israelites in worship, prayer, and understanding God's redemptive story. Psalm 1 introduces the concept of the good life, describing it as a life of joy, contentment, and blessing derived from a right relationship with God, meditating on His word, and avoid...

Psalm 2 highlights the worthlessness of opposing God and emphasizes the importance of taking refuge in Him. The Psalmist underscores that despite the tumultuous defiance of nations and leaders, God’s sovereignty and the installation of His anointed King, Jesus, provide ultimate safety and blessing for those who seek refuge in Him....

Praise helps us. Without praise our hearts are left to be captured by the struggles of everyday life. In the moments where life may be beating us down, making the decision to praise from a surrendered heart lifts us and restores us....

To make the most of the time you've been given, embrace both the joyous and sorrowful moments, recognizing that each serves a unique purpose in shaping wisdom and understanding. By reflecting on past experiences, living fully in the present, and maintaining hope for the future, you can align your life's work with the enduring story of God's faithfu...

In the midst of trials, you can praise God by reflecting on His past acts of deliverance and maintaining hope in His future provision. Psalm 30 illustrates this through David's gratitude for God's healing and restoration, emphasizing that even in times of despair, praising God can renew our sense of hope and joy....

To avoid being prone to envy, take time for worship and celebration. By shifting focus from what others have to the blessings already present in your own life, envy can be diminished and a renewed perspective can be gained....

In times of difficulty, trusting God can provide a profound sense of comfort and assurance. Even when circumstances are challenging and the future seems uncertain, faith in God's unwavering presence and promises can guide us through and strengthen our resilience....

In times of tragedy, it can seem that God is distant and silent leaving us feeling a deep soul ache. Psalm 39 is a lament where David seeks understanding and hope from God amidst feelings of distance. He encourages believers to turn to God first, gain His perspective, and humbly ask for grace and mercy in times of internal struggle....

Psalm 23 offers profound comfort, particularly to those who have a relationship with Jesus, as it speaks to God's guidance and care during life's darkest valleys. This Psalm offers assurance, for believers, that God is their Shepherd, providing peace and protection....

Psalm 19 contrasts the magnificence of God's general revelation in creation with His specific revelation through His Word, which guides us toward true and lasting happiness. David emphasizes that living according to God's Word refreshes the soul, brings wisdom, joy, and clarity, and ultimately leads us to a life aligned with God's will, reflecting ...