April 28 – June 9, 2024

When two people come together and say “I promise” to each other and then make it their life’s project to fulfill those promises to each other, they can become one. And if two can become one, it gives us an even greater hope: that perhaps heaven and earth were made for each other, and still more, that human beings were made for union with God....

Humanity, as the pinnacle of God's creation, holds a unique role in God's story, symbolized by the Covenant with Creation. Despite humanity's betrayal, leading to separation from God, there remains hope in God's promise to overcome the consequences through a future Savior who will restore the covenants and defeat evil....

Noah, a righteous man in a sinful world, is chosen by God to build an ark and preserve a remnant through a flood, demonstrating God's justice and faithfulness. Despite human nature remaining flawed, God remains committed to His promises, hinting at the ultimate hope fulfilled in Jesus....

This week, we're exploring the story of Abraham, whom God chooses to father a new nation, establishing a covenant signified by promises of countless descendants. Despite Abraham's old age and childlessness, his belief in God's promise is deemed righteous, with God taking full responsibility for the covenant's fulfillment....

The Mosaic Covenant, delivered by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, includes the Ten Commandments which the Israelites must follow to receive God's blessings. This covenant invites the Israelites to find their purpose through obedience to God, thus living the life they were created for....

In the Old Testament, Israel thought that the best answer to all their problems was going to be what everyone else in their world had: a king. They were seeking autonomy from God in what they imagined would be a better way. For a moment, an earthly king may solve a problem or two, but their rule doesn't always lead to God. God's idea of a king is o...

Throughout this series, we've seen that people are much better at making promises than keeping them. Jesus, through His life, death, and resurrection, fulfilled all of the previous covenants between God and humanity and brought a new, final covenant to unite all creation with God....

The Psalms, a collection of 150 poems and songs, serve as a spiritual "playlist" guiding the Israelites in worship, prayer, and understanding God's redemptive story. Psalm 1 introduces the concept of the good life, describing it as a life of joy, contentment, and blessing derived from a right relationship with God, meditating on His word, and avoid...