Christmas Eve at Seven Marks

We want to invite you and your family to join us on Christmas Eve for a special time of worship at Seven Marks. We will host gatherings at 1p and 3p, including our regular kids ministries for birth through 4th grade at each gathering. You won’t want to miss it!


How long will the gatherings be?
Our Christmas Eve gatherings will last about 65 minutes. If you’re visiting for the first time, we suggest that you arrive 15 minutes ahead of the gathering time so that we can help you park, meet you, help you get your children checked in, and help you find a seat.

What kind of church is Seven Marks?
Seven Marks is a non-denominational church. Our mission is to practice the way of Jesus together through the seven disciplines or what we call “marks” of a disciple. We believe a disciple is one who (1) finds their identity in Christ, (2) pursues the lifestyle of Jesus, (3) responds to the Spirit, (4) engages in Biblical Community, (5) serves others, (6) proclaims Jesus, and (7) makes discples.

What should I wear?
Come as you are. Most people wear casual attire, but you’re welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Where should I park?
Parking is offered directly off Spring Forest Rd in front of our church. Additional parking can be found behind the building.

What do you have for kids?
On Christmas Eve, we will have all of our normal kids ministries for ages birth through 4th grade. From the moment you walk into the building and approach our Kids Check-In, we are very intentional with you and your children. We will guide you through a secure check-in process, past a safety team that will ensure the care of your child, and then into the hands of leaders who will love on your children. Click any of the links below to learn about our specific kids areas:

K-4th Grade

If you’re visiting us for the first time and want to make the kids check-in process even faster, click here to pre-register your family and we’ll be able to plan for your arrival.

Watch Online

You can watch both of our gatherings live online at 1p and 3p on Christmas Eve.